Minenssey Hydrating Quenching Aqua Cream 50ml

Original price was: $48.75.Current price is: $41.47.

Like an electrolyte drink for your face, this dehydration-fixing water-based gel does everything but the dishes. Add to naturally sourced ALA Beetroot Extract, a highly potent antioxidant to penetrate the skin layers together with Gardenia Extract and River Mint to hydrate and deliver ongoing moisture to your skin. But the real star is our bush hero Flannel Flower, along with probiotic ACB Yogurt Dermal Respiratory Factor, it helps your collagen cells make babies (and may just leave you looking not much older than one yourself).

Minenssey 蔓索丝绒花水凝露50毫升

Original price was: $48.75.Current price is: $41.47.

就像您脸部的电解质饮品一样,这种脱水固定的水基凝胶几乎具备所有功能。 添加到天然来源的ALA甜菜根提取物中,这是一种高效的抗氧化剂,可与Garden子提取物和River Mint一起渗透到皮肤层中,保湿并为皮肤提供持续的水分。 但是真正的明星是我们的丛林英雄丝绒花,以及益生菌ACB酸奶皮肤呼吸因子,它可以帮助胶原蛋白细胞的生长(会让您看起来更年轻)。

Minenssey 蔓索絲絨花水凝露50毫升

Original price was: $48.75.Current price is: $41.47.

就像您臉部的電解質飲品一樣,這種脫水固定的水基凝膠幾乎具備所有功能。添加到天然來源的ALA甜菜根提取物中,這是一種高效的抗氧化劑,可與Garden子提取物和River Mint一起滲透到皮膚層中,保濕並為皮膚提供持續的水分。但是真正的明星是我們的叢林英雄絲絨花,以及益生菌ACB酸奶皮膚呼吸因子,它可以幫助膠原蛋白細胞的生長(會讓您看起來更年輕)。